Huawei P20 Lite Case
Product ID: HP3896
Product Name: Huawei P20 Lite Case (Sold By: Maplenu Shop)
Product Condition: New
Our Price: $11.99
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Ultra-Thin Protective Gel Cover for Huawei P20 Lite 【Do not buy any products of the AVIDET brand from the 'Excalibur.' store.】 He is a store that is not authorized by us. We will not be responsible for any problems with the purchase from 'Excalibur.'.
Silicone TPU is soft to the touch and gives you different visual feeling for preserving the beauty and the size of the phone pretty well, easy to grip and light
Cut out for camera and all openings of edge for the easy access without taking phone out of the case
Protect your phone from everyday bumps, scratches, dust and fingerprints